I was trying to read a book late this afternoon as we were travelling from Orlando to Dallas, but found it hard to focus because the words kept dancing in front of my eyes. No, it wasn’t the beer. That belonged to the lady next to me. It was the turbulence. About half an hour of some the worst shaking we’ve ever experienced in an airplane. We thought it was never going to end! What is it with us and airplanes and turbulence lately???
We arrived at the Dallas – Fort Worth airport a little early, only to find that another plane was still occupying our unloading gate. Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to hustle, does it? After waiting there for some time, we were sent to a completely different area to unload, causing us to wonder how we were going to connect with the person coming to pick us up. We’d just gotten our suitcase in the baggage claim area when our cell phone rang. It was Lynee, our pick-up person. “Where are you?” she asked. I told her that we had been rerouted to Area C instead of Area A. “Is your wife wearing a purple top?” she continued. That’s exactly what Kathy was wearing, so we realized that Lynee had a visual on us and began looking around for her. Sure enough, she wasn’t far away.
However, it was not to be. There was no key when we arrived. And Lynee’s phone calls revealed that wires must have gotten crossed somewhere because there was no reservation for us. Nor was there any chance of us getting a room because there was a conference going on and all the rooms were taken.
Still haven’t finished my presentation for Monday morning so I’d better get busy on that. It’s already midnight and I’m gonna need a few hours of sleep before the sun comes up.
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