While we were away, it seems like we missed the event

The downside is that tons of people lost their homes. What do you expect when most homes are made of mud bricks?! And why do people build their homes of mud bricks? Because that’s all they can afford. So the people that can least afford it are the ones who have to start over. Sounds like the government is working to help provide temporary shelter in public schools and other facilities.
I don’t have all the details yet, but it seems like our personal guards’ places are okay. One just lost the wall that runs around his courtyard. On the other hand, most of the employees that work on our Centre have lost their homes. Our organization in Burkina is apparently helping provide some emergency funding to help them out. What a disaster! Let’s hope there aren’t disease outbreaks now on top of everything else!

Do you know if your own place is OK? What a business - had heard about it via Chris and others too. Am praying especially for those who've lost their homes.
The Joslins went in and had a look around. They say everything is fine. I guess the floor is actually a good distance above ground level and, unlike in the area of the Greens on the Centre, the water can easily run out of the courtyard gate.
Good to hear your place is okay, but what a tragedy for so many - and the ones who can least afford it.
We heard about the flood from the Veitches - the project they are involved with in Kaya was hit hard, ruining all the rice that was supposed to do them until next year. We will be praying.
Hope we see you some time while you're back in Canada!
Yes, Jeanette & Ron, looking forward to seeing you folks on Anniversary Sunday!
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