The past couple of days have been somewhat hectic. A number of things have kept me busy: correspondence with family, friends, people from the administrative team in Burkina, and the folks responsible for scheduling our upcoming new director orientation program in the States; an update for family, friends, and others who support us in our work; a PowerPoint of pictures of Josh & Melissa for the wedding and reception; other things here and there associated with wedding preparations. Kathy’s been working on seating arrangements for the reception with Melissa’s mom, and getting things prepared for the rehearsal dinner for about 30 people that will be hosted here in our apartment on Friday night.
Josh’s best man, David, arrived from Kansas this evening and is staying at his place. They’re old friends from Burkina. Josh is going to have a full house once three other friends, the Goulbourne boys, show up as groomsmen for the rehearsal on Friday and then stay overnight for the wedding the next day. Good thing Kathy & I are not staying there during this time. We old fogeys would just cramp their style. Besides, they’ll probably be up all night talking and Kathy & I need our beauty sleep. Don’t want to be ugly for the wedding!
Speaking of beauty, I’ve got to go and get a haircut later on today. Yeah, I know there’s only so much they can do, but I’ve got to at least make the effort to look good! Hopefully the tux will do the rest :) Kathy has a hair appointment on Saturday morning.
On Thursday, I’m going to see my Dad to help him celebrate a milestone birthday, his 75th. He won’t be able to come to the wedding because he’s still recovering from an injury and surgery. But I’ll bring my Mom back with me and drop her off at my brother’s place in Mississauga, where she’ll stay until Saturday when my brother will bring her to the wedding with him.
Most of Friday will be spent getting ready for the rehearsal dinner and the arrival of various guests. Our good friends, Pastor Audley & Yvonne Goulbourne, will be staying with us overnight. Pastor Audley is performing the wedding on Saturday.
Yes, it’s a busy time, but an exciting time too, and we’re going to enjoy it all we can. At our age, when you get a chance to party, you better take it! Those dance moves won’t be getting any easier as time goes on!